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Who Are We

Welcome To Fundisa

Our work aims to break the vicious cycle of poverty and social isolation and to restore hope for a better future. We believe that every child has the right to access resources and opportunities in order to live and develop with dignity and become an active and contributing member of society.


To provide educational, social and economic empowerment to children.


Our mission is to break the cycle of poverty, illiteracy and low expectations through service and education.


Our work aims to break the vicious cycle of poverty and social isolation and to restore hope for a better future.

Our Goals

Fundisa has underlined 4 Main Goals
  1. Provide quality education for the underprivileged and displaced persons
  2. Build a school, build a better future for Zimbabwean youth
  3. Promoting gender equality
  4. Increase IT Access and use in vulnerable communities
Goal 1: Providing Quality Education

We aim to provide quality education for the underprivileged and displaced persons, currently our research shows that this group of people are behind the education curve.

In Zimbabwe everyday there is a child below 18 years losing their access to education. And being met by language barriers. At times, discrimination in new school systems creates a great risk of a lost generation.

Fundisa aims to offer education and support integration in host communities., so that no generation is left behind and every child gets an equal chance to a better life.

Goal 2: Building A School

Our goal is to build a better future for Zimbabwean youth. Education is a basic human right yet those who need education the most are children living in poverty, these children are the least likely to attend and complete school. Across Zimbabwe, many children have to choose between getting an education and being safe, without classrooms they are forced to study under trees and in all weather. They are exposed to the elements, distracted and unable to learn.

By the year 2025 Fundisa Children’s Foundation plans on building a school with safe and secure classrooms so that children can focus on their learning and their futures. With the help of sponsors, partners and well wishers our aim is to play a pivotal role by delivering life changing opportunities that so many children deserve.

Goal 3: Promoting Gender Equality

Displaced women are an especially vulnerable group left behind. They experience greater risks of physical and sexual assaults, and face discrimination when trying to access a range of basic rights to build their future on. Our goal is to educate and raise awareness for young girls who are vulnerable, to give a voice to young girls who are voiceless and fight for their rights.

Goal 4: Increase IT access and use in vulnerable communities

Under the SDG4-Education 2030 framework for action, information and communication technology (ICT) is highlighted for its cross-cutting role in improving inclusiveness, equity and quality in education. One of Fundisa’s goals is to narrow the digital divide which can be defined as “the gap between those who have access to information, communication technology and are using it effectively, and those who do not.” In this 4th industrial revolution, economies are now backed by technology and those who do not posses technological skills will be left behind. By 2025 we should have significantly increased IT literacy rates  and make sure the FUNIDSA school will allow children from marginalized communities to effectively use technology.

Through the #AdoptAPupil campaign our goal is to put kids through Primary and Secondary school. We will be sourcing donations and sponsorship to help pay for tuition (yearly), buy uniforms, and basic necessities for some of the children we have reached out to. As a team, we plan on preparing the next generation for the economy and future, we are mentoring and raising the future doctors, engineers, pilots, lawyers etc in these small communities.